Thursday, March 9, 2017

Who is not affected by Diabetes now-a-days?

Diabetes is soon becoming a major problem for all ages. Even children have started falling prey to this disease.(Sometimes diabetes is caused in mother's womb- genetic reasons).

In many adults, pancreas become weak due to increase in stress, indisciplined lifestyle, lack of exercise and bad habits.This leads to degeneration of beta cells in pancreas which inturn lead to diabetes.
And when the body health is disturbed, then it brings negativity, anger & imbalance to life and mind.

Then you start visiting doctors, your medicine intake increases and your whole zest of life is lost.

Diabetes has many complications and ill effects on human body. It is found that almost 2% of people turn blind, approx 30-35% people suffer from kidney failures and 80% people suffer from eye defects. Diabetes also leads to gangrene problem in some people or also sex disorders. Hence it is very important to control diabetes.

Some home remedies are  mentioned below to control diabetes. Whichever is suitable for you, you can try.

1) Take 3-4 ladies finger, slit them vertically and soak them in water overnight. Next day, squeeze the stickiness out of the ladies finger and drink the water empty stomach.

2)Take cinnamom sticks. Break them in half. Boil them in a glass of water. Strain it, let the water cool & then drink that warm water.

3)Take 2 amlas & some ginger. Grate them & mix. Sprinkle some salt for taste. Consume twice a day.

4)Take 4 raw leaves of mango tree. Wash them and cut them. Take a glass of water and soak them overnight in water. Next day strain & drink the water.

There are some remedies which you will find very useful in daily life, for that you will need to work on your body habits. (Yogaaaa)
If possible, immediately join a yoga class (immediate 100% positive results to remove diabetes)

If you cannot join yoga class, then do the following yoga asanas:

  • Pranayam
  • Surya namaskar 
  • Jogging
  • Join a sport (swimming for relaxation)
  • Kapalbhati - 15 to 20 minutes to reactivate beta cells in your pancreas
  • Mandookasan
  • Anulom-Vilom asan

Check out the asanas online on youtube.

Drink juice made from bitter gourd, tomato & cucumber. Grind them in a mixer and drink the juice on daily basis.

Acupressure is also very helpful in controlling diabetes. You should press the point shown in the picture with your other hand.

Sleep atleast 6 to 8 hours daily. These few points mentioned will prove very helpful in controlling your diabetes...

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